Critical Zones Tour - Open Data, Oct. 24, 2020

Guided Tour/Workshop at Critical Zones exhibition at ZKM

How can we better understand the critical zone? How can we understand the numerous processes that make up its fragile equilibrium, often invisible to us?

Together with the OK Lab Karlsruhe, we are exploring freely accessible environmental data that can help us to observe and describe the critical zone. In this webinar we will look at what environmental data exists and how it is collected. Last but not least, we will learn how to read open environmental data and how we can contribute to its collection. As shown in the exhibition »Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics« it is clear that in order to preserve the Critical Zone that we and all other life forms on Earth are highly dependent on, we need to understand it much better. Open data are indispensable for this!

Slides (German only)