We always work on projects that show the value of open data for a society. Often the analyzed data enable very new perspectives.
We always work on projects that show the value of open data for a society. Often the analyzed data enable very new perspectives.
Open Data Day is an annual international event that highlights the importance of open data worldwide. Local groups organize their own events everywhere – including in Karlsruhe! …
OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendDer Open Data Day am 1. Samstag im März ist ein jährlich stattfindendes Ereignis, um international auf die Bedeutung offener Daten hinzuweisen.
Video der Abschlusspräsentationen.
Rund um diesen …
!-->!--> OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendWas hat es mit Coding, Daten und KI auf sich?
Wir nutzen Ka-I (Karlsruher Intelligenz) um Licht ins digitale Dunkel zu bringen.
In einer lockeren Workshopreihe könnt Ihr Euch mit den wichtigsten …
OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendDaten.Cafe wants to provide basic knowledge in data literacy in a simple way. Free access to the application and the results form the basis for this. The application allows learning and practicing the …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ActiveSensor workshops will take place in April and Mai 2023 at ZKM. Workshop language will be German.
Dates, 15:00-18:00 each:
Registration via ZKM. Cost see ZKM.
The Open Data Day is an annual event to highlight the importance of open data internationally. On this day local groups organize self-organized events. Last year (2022) there were 153 events …
!-->!--> OK Lab Karlsruhe ActiveA new series of sensor workshops will start in September 2022 start at ZKM. Workshop language will be German.
Dates, 15:00-18:00 each:
Registration via ZKM. Cost see …
OK Lab Karlsruhe DoneThe Open Data Day is an annual event to highlight the importance of open data internationally. On this day local groups run self-organized events.
This year these events around open data will take …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ActiveA new series of sensor workshops will start in January 2022 start at ZKM, as part of the exhibition Biomedien. Workshop language will be German.
Registration via ZKM:
OK Lab Karlsruhe DoneMunicipal administration is characterized by, amongst other features, municipal budget planning. Many municipalities publish their budgets on the Internet as open data - but usually only as pdf files. …
OK Lab Karlsruhe Online event on 2.Dez.2021CKAN is a widely used system for open data portals. In addition to the web application, it offers automated retrieval via a programming interface (CKAN API). Available data can be searched and …
OK Lab Karlsruhe Active, contributors welcomeA project for “intelligent” irrigation is being installed at Friedrichsplatz. Soil moisture at various depths and other climate parameters are measured regularly and transmitted to the IoT …
OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendWe’re planning to prepare a number of workshops on different topics, related to the Critical-Zones exhibition.. Register at ZKM:
are the …
OK Lab Karlsruhe DoneThe Open Data Day is an annual event to highlight the importance of open data internationally. On this day local groups organize self-organized events. Last year (2020) there were more than 300 …
OK Lab Karlsruhe DoneCan communal budgets be analyzed and evaluated without first having to learn to program?
We have held several events in various formats on this question and now want to process the experience gained …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ActiveHow can we better understand the critical zone? How can we understand the numerous processes that make up its fragile equilibrium, often …
OK Lab Karlsruhe On hold (corona)The Open Data Day is an annual event to highlight the importance of open data internationally. On this day local groups organize self-organized events. Last year (2019) there were more than 400 …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ClosedThe codefor Community aims to display climate data of as many cities as possible on a common website.
We contribute to this project supplying data from Karlsruhe.
OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendIn 2020, the Federal Ministry of the Interior is planning an initiative for Regional Open Government Laboratories (ROGL). In up to 16 laboratories, new collaborations between administration, politics, …
OK Lab Karlsruhe Terminated (not approved)The city of Karlsruhe presented the draft of the 2030 climate protection concept to the population in a participation process. We want to support and improve the associated calculation models and the …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ActiveThe tree register of the city of Karslruhe contains the geo-coordinates and type of all urban trees. The map shows the positions on a map, which also shows population and area for all districts. …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ActiveWe can also generate open data ourselves by recording measured values with various sensors and sharing them with others. We always show in open workshops, e.g. the participants build a DIY particulate …
OK Lab Karlsruhe ClosedThe transparency portal of the city of Karlsruhe targets primarily interested specialists who want to realize projects with the data, which may then also be of interest to the general public. With the …
OK Lab Karlsruhe On hold (corona)Overview map of farm shops, markets, milk vending machines and other direct marketers from the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The map receives all of its data via a script from …
OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendOpen Sense provides Android sensor widgets for the openSenseMap project (https://opensensemap.org). The app makes it possible to observe open sensor data such as temperature, emission of fine dust or …
OK Lab Karlsruhe LaufendEvery district in Karlsruhe is different - how did that affect the election? We took a closer look at this using various statistics.
OK Lab Karlsruhe abgeschlossenVarious exciting visualizations of the Karlsruhe election dates for the Bundestag election 2017. Interactive map and analyzes.
OK Lab Karlsruhe abgeschlossenMachine-readable variants of the municipal budget Baden-Württemberg and the administrative regulation product and account framework
OK Lab KarlsruheThis project visualizes the rental prices in Karlsruhe on the basis of real estate advertisements.
OK Lab Karlsruhe FinishedThis project visualizes on a map where the weekly market is in Karlsruhe. You can filter for the current day or display all. The markets currently taking place are marked in green.
OK Lab Karlsruhe FinishedSmall project from Berlin that uses a slider to visualize how barrier-free local transport systems are by adding non-barrier-free stations be erased. Now also in Karlsruhe.
OK Lab Karlsruhe FinishedVisualizes the streets of Karlsruhe named after people and their genders.
OK Lab Karlsruhe Fertig